Unaccountability – Some thoughts about it - Alcyonenews

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Posted August 25, 2024

Unaccountability – Some thoughts about it

An enduring Massive Myth we silently suffer is the one about “injustice” being illusionary. Justice is (virtually) always done, unknown to us, we are told.  When we or our neighbours are screwed at the courthouse, or shout loudly “mea culpa” to minimize the court experience, like Galileo did to escape being “judged”, we are promptly told that we misjudge the learned Judges.  This we do, we are told, because we ourselves are not Judges, or even mere Lawyers, and therefore lack the acumen to judge the Judges.

The Rt. Hon. Beverley McLachlin pronounced “appropriate” the refusal of judges to respond to criticism. This she did several years after the Pontiff exiled from the Vatican the “infallibility” malarkey.  But McLachlin has also asserted the Judges are paid richly to be “independent and impartial” which raises questions about the verity of “marketed”  virtue.  Confusing, is it not?

Another “Rt Hon”, namely GG David Johnson, wrote a whole book to persuade us all to shed our doubts and revert to having blind faith in the Magistrates.  I read it but I do not recall reading in his book concerns about people undeservingly denying “trust” to trust deserving magistrates.

These remarks cover the two legs of the “Estates” triumvirate, who ostensibly govern us.  As for the other, the third “Estate”, assuming it to be the one headed currently by a certain Rt. Hon. Justin Troud’eau, I find it equally “perplexing”.  He does not even pretend to be Rt. Honourable as he has unabashedly hired an “Ethics Commissioner”, on the public loonie of course, to chaperone him when he comes within the reach of microphones or cameras.  When things go wrong, the Ethics Commissioner issues the Rt. Hon. Trudeau “Absolution Papers’ and if this does not pacify the agitated hoi polloi, the Commissioner is sent away, loaded with the blame, rendering the offending Rt. Hon. PM “pure”.

Calling themselves “Estates” is more deceptive than it appears.  Deception is here, there, everywhere.  It blankets the land like snow does.

Not long ago a judge said that Judges have to be just and fair because they perform in courtrooms with their doors open to the public.  That appears credible because of the “open governance” scam.

The whole scene is a mess and the cause is common.  It is a “scam” because merely “looking” is inconsequential.  It is like the adage about elections: were they potent, they would have been outlawed.

In effect, this situation precludes Democratia and delivers the society to bullies.  Ex Rt. Hon. Jean Chretien speaks blatantly to this reality:

“The other day I heard a young man say on Television  that ‘he was standing for election because he wanted to serve’, I said to myself: My friend, you seem nice, you have some charm but you are not telling the whole truth.  Going into politics is both simpler and more complicated than that.  To be frank, politics is about wanting power, getting it, exercising it, and keeping it. Helping people comes with it naturally, because you’ll never get elected if you treat people badly,”  

(Jean Chretien: “My years as Prime Minister” -  Alfred A. Knoff Canada, 2007)

We, the tens of Millions of us, were “governed” for a decade by Jean Chretien, he who  lusts for power, deciding the well–being of the Canadian society, the fate of our children and the future of Canada.  This situation is the residue from his “reign” his and the Trudeaux (father and son).

Socrates and Christ personify the aforesaid.  Socrates suggested we think for ourselves guided by our own conscience.  He reasoned prompted us to live the “Examined Life”.  

Christ compelled humans to not examine the will of God, which he claimed he was conveying “We are telling you, what to do and you must do as told.  For if you do not, do as told we will deliver you to Satan to torture you forever in Hell”.

Socrates fostered Civilization –  Christ supplanted the Dark Ages ...

When the judges are not accountable there is NO ONE FREE ... It is in the nature of things.  And there is a name for that.

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