Trust Website elements – 4th installment - Alcyonenews

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Islands Trust
Posted May 30, 2019

Trust Website elements – 4th installment

This is the fourth cluster of Website elements I deem essential or desirable on the Trust website, presently under revamp triggered by the 2017 SSI Referendum on  urbanization.  Items Nos 1 to 15 appeared in the previous issues of the Marketplace – read them online.

As a reminder, these  Website elements are, by and large, taken from a list I submitted to the Trust in the  2013 Website reconstruction. The re-submission is necessitated by the Trust having refused to consider the issues at that time; and because they “reconstructed” the Website for the worse; and because now they have hired a consultant to do another revamp of the Website, in a drive to generate public apathy that would let the Trust “reform” itself, as per the December 18, 2018,   Chairman Luckham’s proposal to the Minister, which was exposed in the January 8, 2019. Marketplace.

We are yet to hear from the Be the Change Consultants. Worrisome, is it not?

Here is the fourth installment from my 2013 List of website elements.

16.   Podcasting and Archiving:

As now done, Trust events  (“meetings”and “hearings”) are by and large “sanctuaries” from the Cameras, an oddity in our Camera blanketed society. The  Trust aversion to lenses is not to protect the privacy of “members of the Public” attending events, which is what they would have us believe it is – it is stealing information from the public which they seek to hide. This makes the Trust banning the cameras a deliberate subversion of democracy.

In our modern times, Podcasting of local government events is normal, and the Trust’s  aversion to it is a social anomaly.  Considering the Trust corporate sophistry, it being “Secrecy Forever”, podcasting would induce some virtue on the Trust.

In this  instance podcasting has additional dimensions of significance due to the reality of the archipelago geography of the “Trust Republic”.  Podcast  cam[e]raderie is the feasible connection between Islanders and with the “colonial government” we are forced to endure, therefore pursuing it is a means to moderating and democratizing the Trust. Certain is that, until it  happens, the Trust will carry on inducing ignorance by withholding information, exploiting the “divide and rule” practice of the archipelago-fragmented society.

17. Bring to the Website the Administrative Fairness Procedure (“AFP”):

This is one of the checks and balances built into the Trust. I do not know of many citizens being aware of it. Now, when the Trust hurt people, the Trust directs them to seek relief via some other agency, such as the Ombudsperson. They would rather get an “independent’ bureaucracy to defuse the issue, than  do it themselves.

This should change.  Ban the now prevalent “If you do not like us screwing you, go complain to the Ombudsperson”, until the Trust AFP venue is exhausted. This means until the AFP referral and the Trust response are published on the Trust Website.

18. FOI (PP)A: Freedom of Information (and Privacy Protection) Act:

List & Link all FOI access requests arriving at the Trust portal the moment they arrive with the notation “Response Pending”. The latter to be displaced by the “Response Given” or “Response denied’ if not given within the timeframe of the FOIPPA.

19. (FOI) PPA: (Freedom of Information) and Privacy Protection Act:

Discontinue stealing the credit from submitters and undermining the impact of the submissions  by faking unsolicited “Privacy Protection”. Cease that stupid “A member of the Public” denigration of citizens addressing the Trust. Especially, so after routinely intimidating potential submitters by warning  them that if they address the Trust their “name and words” will be on public record.

20.  You cannot institute Open Governance secretly – Move out of the way to let the people do it:

The Trust cannot conceivably serve the cause of Truth surreptitiously.  Open up to people -  start now. Dump the “win a free gift  iPad” survey. Open a Forum on the existing Website to receive public input on reconstructing the Website and advertise it widely through the community media. Submissions to be exposed to the  populace for debate and evolution. Then Democracy will do  the rest, She (in Greek Democracy is a “She”) will take us where no “monkey or donkey surveys” can ever take us. Let Democracy lead us on the road to where we deserve to be and are able to go on our own. We need a break from “Committees, Consultants and PRs.

Tom Vee
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