A leaflet titled “Revision of the Islands Trust Policy Statement” was recently circulated in the Trust Territory. It was one of many outcries of public discontent with the Trust. The leaflet outlines issues and presents argument against the Trust’s latest attempt to boost and prolong its hegemony over us. Other citizens have done more of that, too. My last column was a rerun of a piece dating back a decade, triggered by a similar flare-up of Trust arrogance. Individually and in groups, islanders sook from our minds the induced endemic “political apathy” and rose to fight back this new escalation of Trust dominance.
While the “resistance” have adequately reasoned the peoples’ position, the Trust pretends to be deaf. This verifies a lawyer’s assertion made in the course of a Trust hearing, that what the people say goes in the one ear of the Trust and out the other.
Instead of discussing the issues, the Trust “justifies” its demands for more power by pointing to the current Trust Policy Statement being “25 years old”. This is poppycock, manifesting Trust awareness that the public stand is strong.
By the same token, the Trust is about 50 years old and during these years our right to define and control our local governance has been brutally suppressed. Consideration of the Trust on a zero basis is now utterly overdue.
We have suffered the Trust for half a century, we have had enough of that ... In that period no one ever envied us for being saddled with the Trust; no one ever came to visit or stay, attracted by the Trust; U-Profs didn’t rush in to enumerated the benefits the Trust generated for us; no community strove to emulate our glorious Trust; pollsters hired by the Trust to gauge public approval polled folk in the Klondike and the Kootenays getting people who have never been to the Islands to confess long-distance love for the Trust. Yes, they did and Sheila Malcolmson would go around bragging that “Support of the Trust is sky high”; remember?
Look at our politicians, from the “local” Trustees through our MLA, to federal MP; they are all silent as fish at the fishmongers. All, save for retired Senator Pat Carney who stood up to the Trust, and for her I cheer.
I am of the impression that since Russ Hotsenpiller became Trust CAO, hiring of governance conSultants has grown substantially. Early in November 2021, the Trust went to a bazaar, dangling $100G to hire mercenaries skilled in public ire suppression, accountability absorbion and mass brainwashing. They are to be deployed to sell us that dreaded Policy Statement. This because the Trustistas realized they need mercenaries to get that job done. They publicized the passing of the hot-potato Policy Statement to “independent expert” ConSultants, the shift suggesting we relax our vigilance because the matter was no longer to be decided by the untrustworthy Trust, but by trustworthy conSultants. Who would ever dare doubt the Professionals?
A second troop of Trust ConSultants are re-designing Ganges Village. This is akin to Le Corbusier designing the post WWII refurbishing of Paris. Anyway, these conSultants mass-mailed a sleazy postcard titled “Ganges Gathers”. Half of its face holds a pictogram of a basket, transparent-ized to reveal the contents: a bicycle, a playground slide, a non-descript cut flower and a black garment resting on the basket-rim. It is PRopaganda art, bought on our dime by Trustistas madly scurrying for stuff to avert the scuttling of the Trust. The back of the Card is vacuous of information and rife with bait to lure people to confess their inner thoughts to conSultants to absorb, digest, regurgitate and serve it to the public “certified organic”. Unpalatable stuff really.
I glanced at the “Ganges Gathers” consultants start-up survey. I stand in awe on how far the mind-benders’ craft has grown since Vance Packard wrote the “Hidden Persuaders” and am concerned about the danger they pose to the world.
A third contingent of Trust ConSultants is on a mission to make the Trust more “efficient” in doing to us the things we do not wish done. Such as being governed colonially from the Victorian metropolis. In reality their task is to pre-empt the “2017 Consensus” to change the governance of SSI.
A fourth troop of Trust mercenaries are working on the “Islands 2050" Trust crutch. They have been at it for a couple of years and likely will carry on for years to come.
Modern conSultants appear uniformly ignorant of words like “debate” and “dialogue”. I am afraid this is more taxing to democracy than the calling for a “two way dialogue” which is what Trust staff suggested a few years ago. This was when newly hatched Trustees tried to do the Ideas Bank, but the Trust-Staff convinced them that they could do a better job internally without involving me. Staff invented and recommended to Trustees to institute a “two-way dialogue” with the people ... Anyway, the Trustees became quickly embedded in the Trust and forgot about connecting with the populace.
I do not want to interrupt your chuckle, but I cannot sign off without reminding us that:
Nothing safeguards tyranny more securely than faking Democracy.