Islands Trust - Alcyonenews

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Islands Trust

The Islands Trust –

Governing the Southern Gulf Islands

of British Columbia

The Islands Trust is a layer of government imposed in 1974 on the British Columbia Southern Gulf Islands, an archipelago that is home to 25,000 people.  The Trust  was intended to prevent the spreading of the  Pender Island “Magic Lake Estates” type of subdivisions in the archipelago which was ceded to become the Republic of the Trust, alias the “Trust Area”.  The Trust    has since evolved into an authoritarian government entity, an extra layer of government the islanders have been made to endure ever since,  to the dismay of many.

In this room  of the Alcy Home you will find snapshots of what happens when democracy is sidetracked to yield to a particular group, even if one with a cause that is, or appears being, noble.

Booth Canal is in need of resoration, protection and preservation.
July 15, 2022An open letter to the Hon. Nathan Cullen, Minister of Municipal Affairs
March 25, 2022Trust Deaf & Mute
March 11, 2022The Trust without Garb
January 28, 2022Debating Vocal Local Trustee Laura Patrick
December 3, 2021The Trust Threatens The Total Trust Territory
July 2, 2021Trust Skullduggery
February 26, 2021Pleading Stupidity to Hide Malice
February 12, 2021The Trust is forging chains to shackle us – Beware ...
January 29, 2021Are they fit to fight for us?
January 15, 2021The holes in the head of the Trust ain’t ears
January 1, 2021Madly running in all directions to avoid eye contact with the populace
December 18, 2020The Trust Christmas-Gifting Us, Again
July 31, 2020Regurgitators for Rent - A trendy PRopaganda Sub-trade
April 10, 2020Blackmail, Greenmail and Booth Canal
April 3, 2020The  iTrust is “intrigued”– we are awed ...
January 31, 2020The day the Trust let us see its real face
January 17, 2020Why elect politicians when consultants do the governing?
January 3, 2020A New Year and a New Decade: Ideas Bank -
December 20, 2019Continuing Poolside Visioning
December 6, 2019Laundering Islands 2050 in the Swim Pool
October 25, 2019The Trust readies for Halloween
October 11, 2019Fighting the Trust resistance to Democratization
September 27, 2019“Islands 2050":  Elixir for a Derelict Islands Trust
September 13, 2019Trust Fakes Democracy to Hide Czarism
August 30, 2019The Trust Closed Shop lest the customers come ...
July 26, 2019The Trust is Clamming up on Booth Canal
July 12, 2019Save Booth Canal - We have no “tomorrows”, there are no mañanas left ...
June 14, 2019Trust’s “Communications Strategy” – an Exemplary Oxymoron?
May 30, 2019Trust Website elements – 4th installment
May 17, 2019Trust website elements – 3rd Instalment (continued)
May 3, 2019Trust Awards: Thesis and Antithesis
May 3, 2019Trust website elements (continued from the previous Issue)
April 19, 2019Is advice given the Trust “unsolicited” ? No!
April 4, 2019Trust Website Revamp –  True, or a Farce like the last one?
April 4, 2019But do not despair, try to aspire
March 22, 2019Subverting democracy v. “expensing” wood splitters
February 22, 2019To make us love the Trust
February 8, 2019Nanaimo Bars
January 11, 2019Ferret the Trust out from the burrow
November 2, 2018As the election dust settles
October 19, 2018(Electioneering)  - Significant Electoral Frivolities
January 19, 2018To make the Trust level with us
December 30, 2017Lady Hope and Lady Luck, both dear to our hearts
July 31, 2017The $45 Censorship Saga
March 24, 2017The lowest, perhaps, the Islands Trust has sunk
October 23, 2017What the Trust Hides the People Must Know
October 14, 2017Trust Censorship on the Upswing
October 1, 2017Who is to Watch the Watchdogs?
August 6, 2017Truth Gone AWOL
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