Oppression Precedes Protestation - Alcyonenews

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Posted September 6, 2024

Oppression Precedes Protestation

I am writing about the pseudo right to POLITICAL protest. This is touted as being a great “freedom” magnanimously granted us by those who usurped “their entitlement” to do unto us as they please, up to and including things we abhor. The right to protest is not even that – our benefactors only gave us the “right” to respectfully apply to them for a license to protest against them harming us. For our licence-to-protest application to succeed, we need to convince the objects of our anger that we will not irk them. Indeed, after the expiry of a protest license, we must retract to where we started from and shut up. The supremacy of the establishment and its right to ignore the Protest remains sacrosanct.

Here I am in effect protesting something done us by those who “granted” us the right to protest. Specifically, I am protesting against those who are currently prosecuting the Freedom Convoy Truckers who protested the Covid-19 vaccination of the population. The Truckers “invaded” and “occupied” Ottawa and did it “unlawfully”. This irked those freedom-loving people who graciously granted us freedom to protest against them in the belief that we will appreciate it and will not use it lest we lose it. But the Truckers did not abide by the rules and this displeased “our” Rulers.

In 2020 the world suffered the Covid-19 Pandemic. The panic spread Earth-wide and the “Globalized” governments everywhere became “draconian”, if not “dictatorial”. The panic spread and scared people cried out in sync, in all languages and dialects for the vaccine that would save Humanity. Characteristically, the government of Canada ordered the AirForce to prepare for the distribution of the fiercely pursued anti-Covid vaccine and commissioned a decorated General to design, assemble and command the vaccine delivery system.  But despite all that, a large sector of the population would not come to trust the government.  

Eventually the “Freedom Truck Convoy” was formed and rolled out from the Pacific coast toward Ottawa, gaining trucks small and large, on the way. When it appeared on the Ottawa Horizon the government went into its bunkers.  This evoked the inadvertent “mob mentality” state. Things turned ugly and the Government unleashed its massive propaganda brigade to inform the nation how bad protesters are. Bravado from the bunker is a Trudeau family tradition.

I do not attend the whimsical Truckers court trials because I know from the media that these trials are confined on the trivial (relatively speaking) and skirt around the hugely material aspects of the case. I know that the gist of the Freedom Convoy matter is left out of the discourse, rendering the trials “chips without the fish”. I will focus directly on the causes and the effects of public protests for unless we fill the knowledge gap, Democratia our governance system will not be. What I am talking about is the Constitutionali-zation and the Charter-rization of the “Right to Protest”. This pre-empts the place of fundamental Democratic tenets:  Why worry for principles, when you can protest the unprincipled?  Just leave it all to the market. The courts will sort out the “acoustic evidence” and pronounce whether diesels crackling in the dark of the night and intermittent airhorn blaring day and night are “unreasonable disturbances”. As for the cause of the Convoy, well ... what?

What is protest, anyway? Good question Let’s go to the Maternity room to extract the answer. Although you likely forgot it, the first thing you did in this world was a strong protest. No, you are not unique for I cried too, many others have and lots more will.  What we protest on exit from the womb is first and foremost the inability to communicate.

The OED defines:

“protest >. 2 an organized public demonstration objecting to an official policy or course of action.”

That is very interesting. To cause “an organized public demonstration” takes more than
a fly-in-the-milk. We need a closer look: Since in a Democratia we govern ourselves, political protesting is against ourselves, which manifest machoism, which is not a desirable attribute. It also imposes the inclusion of rascals in the government for without those the right to protest is hollow.  Why then do we Protest against us? Does it make sense? It does not until we recognize that it is not us who govern the society.  In other words, there is no Democratia (Calm down dear!). What happens is that those who have come to rule us, can resist “protest” but cannot survive “Reason”. Hence “our right to protest”. Hence the surreptitious suppression of Democratia.  

Let’s thank the Truckers, give them medals and let go. Then let’s let the judges have a go at those who left no democratic ways and means EQUIPOTENTIAL at lest to a Truck Convoy ...

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