Main menu:
* Lay the foundation for the implementation of the “Consensus” by starting and running a dynamic forum through which the people can determine the Change we need and demand; and the checks and balances to protect society from Czarismatic governance.
* Invite submissions in writing; declaring categoricaly that each and every one submission will be exposed to review and be debated, society-wide. The opening 50 (?) words of each submission to be an “abstract” showcased in an ad-hoc Ideas Bank with a link to the whole submission.
* Requests for information will be equally accommodated in this forum and so would be any refusal of information relevant to the debate.
* Submissions signed with a nom de plume would be acceptable, this for the same reasons we hold the secret ballot sacred.
* The Trust and the Trustistas are welcome to partake on equal terms with the rest of the people.