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“Tom – we had a story about the [debate] panels, etc, in which it is confirmed that a video of the debates will be available on line afterwards.”
“Dear EO Trio,
Re: Video-broadcasting the Debates
Since you have been for over a year, at least since May 2016, organizing the Incorporation Debates; and since you have been as prudent as to have tied down for the event two “impartial consultants” who will ensure “indisputable” fairness to the appearance of the Debate Games; and given that only a small percentage of the populace may attend the debate games live, but many more would take them in at home, the road, or at other times if available; it is therefore reasonable to assume that you have secured simultaneous and continuously available video broadcasting of the debates.
But we are approaching the end of the road to debates and I have not found mention of broadcasting, nor seen omens that it will happen, and I worry. I must say that I am partial to that, for I have poised myself to critically analyze the debates for the benefit of those who may lack the time or otherwise forego doing so personally.
Would you please alleviate my fears?
Tom Varzeliotis, Fairness Aficionado Funatico”