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“The way things are now, a majority of Trustees adroitly did what you three individually, and as the SSI LTC, ought to have fiercely pursued to realization, i.e., the implementation of the post 2017 Consensus to Change the governance meted out by the Trust ...
Proclaim the opening of an ad hoc “Ideas Bank” to receive, showcase and facilitate debate and development of ideas and information pertaining to implementation of the Consensus to Change the Trust.
This should specifically invite the Trust and Trustistas to make and debate submissions by others on equal terms with “ordinary” citizens.
Having myself originated and studied the Ideas Bank concept, I hereby offer to advise the “contractor-firm” and do it pro bono. ...”
“You [Varzeliotis] do bring up an interesting question, how can Salt Spring, which was neither consulted on the development of the terms of reference nor represented on the steering committee, provide input to the review?
I have copied staff so that we can discuss this further.”