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“Re: Obfuscated closed meeting justification
The LTC meeting agenda of March 31, 2016, in effect, consists of one item of no immediate interest in SaltSpring; and of one other item scheduled to be discussed by the LTC in a “closed” session, the pair being certain to ensure public absence, resulting in privacy for the LTC.
To justify closing the meeting, you claim the subject matter comes under s.21 of FOIPPA. This is inadequate because s.21 has many subsections covering a wide spectrum, ranging from concerns about inhibiting secret police informers to protecting the recipes of medicinal marijuana cookie bakers.
Since the law entitles the public to a disclosure of the reason for which the LTC would meet behind closed doors, I will appreciate it if you would identify the subsection of FOIPPA on which you based the exclusion of the public from the discussion of the subject matter.”
“Answering” for the LTC, the Chairman fell silent ...
Would this LTC order an independent review of their “reasons” for evicting the public from their meetings at the drop of a hat and of the frequency that you do this?
Tom Varzeliotis
“With regard to the Young Anderson legal opinion, dated May 23, 2012, regarding broadcasting council meetings which was introduced during Item 5 – Rise and Report, the following motion was introduced:
SSI-138-12 It was MOVED and SECONDED that the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee instructs staff to restore the uncensored version of the video recording of February 23, 2012 and append appropriate disclaimers with regard to defamatory statements. CARRIED” (Emphasis added)