Hurrah! Oh what a lovely war - Alcyonenews

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Posted October 8, 2024

Hurrah!  Oh what a lovely war

It is hard to take it, to wake up in the morning and be told by NATO to get ready for a new  World War. But this came wrapped in  good news to allay our fears and soften any residue aversion to War.  NATO informs that the about to come War will be a “civilized war”, the kind that flares up frequently in Peace times. Like the glorious Wars the two Bushes fought for us. They saved us in the nick of time from the Weapons of Mass Destruction Saddam-the-Evil-Hussain had amassed and programmed to kill us en-masse. The Bushes, saved us all by killing a mere 200,000 people.

WWI and WWII killed 17M and 60M people and consumed $250B and $4,000B in resources, respectively. Each $1M wasted in war, is equivalent to sentencing a couple of people to life of labour. Figure that out to appreciate what an admirable job-creator War is ...

War results in acute revulsion to sane humans and this in turn “hurts” those who stage wars to defend Peace and ensure Prosperity. Moreover, in a strange way, War hurts itself.  For one,  it causes a shortage of youth to populate the battlefields. Poet Jacques Prevert, damns “Ce qui donne les cannons aux les enfant, ce qui donne les enfants aux cannons. Hard to say it better  but Mark Twain’s “The War Prayer” is powerful too.

After WWII, there was acute shortage of youth to kill and to be killed, and much public  revulsion for War. Equally detrimental to an invariably “noble” cause of war was a famine of enemies to kill. Churchill suggested we become turncoats. We, the “allies”, demonize and enemize our WWII ally Russia and turn the cannons on the Russians who had just lost some 20M citizens fighting the Fuerer. The tactic is abhorable under normal circumstances, but in the war milieu every thing is atrocious and “turning” against your friends is condoned by the Geneva Convention and similar Crap-on-Paper.  Churchill’s clever strategy was defeated by another plan, devised and advanced by John Foster Dulles, then USA Secretary of State, who, as I remember it,  said:  “There are ways and means other than tanks and guns  with which to occupy nations”. Dulles plan won over Churchill’s.

To market the war to both  the Warmongers and the Peacenicks in that post WWII War-hostile environment, they tagged it  the “Cold War”  – “Cold” for the Peacenicks, “War” for the Bullies. With this adroit name change and a judicious deployment of the scare of nuclear war, they conducted the Cold War and  managed to sneek- in some hot-war too. The Korean war, 2.5 M corpses, the Vietnam war, 2-3M corpses and so on ...

Calling the war NATO just heralded “WWIV” will help harvest the benefits from raising up recent successive generations of youth with computer War Games. It will boost the induced craving for  shooting down aeroplanes and submerging submarines to the bottom of the sea,  to rust forever in peace, and so on. The supply of  soldier-ready young people, ready  to kill our enemies, every time our politicians pronounce some other tribe “enemy” and lead us to kill them before they kill us to prevent us doing them in.  

But we know for certain that we must keep war going to sustain the theology industry, which will collapse without war on Earth with which to demonstrate the value of God’s service to humans in keeping us out of Hell.

War is in the nature of things and therefore it cannot be eradicated, the Warmongers claim, proud of their research acumen.  To them I turn and say: you may forge a lump of iron into a sword, a ploughshare, a pizza oven or an assortment  of  other things – they all are in the Nature of Things. You can chose which,  and that is also in the Nature of Things.

The above lead us to recognise that war creates its own needs thereby securing its perpetuation. “Sicilian Revenge” encapsulates the phenomenon. You stole my pig, I steal  your bother’s cow and your brother kills my uncle and so on, to keep Justice on course.  In general terms, War output, other than its ending,  results in lamenting. Even “Victory celebrations” are really “war good riddance’’ superparties.

WWI killed 17 Million People to revenge the shooting of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo.  WWII is, credibly I think,  traced to German people suffering harsh economic conditions because of the heavy War  reparations extracted from them by the allies to revenge the bloody war they did to revenge the Archiduke’s death. These issues, “it is the economy stupid - Bill Clinton”, were exploited by Hitler.  Mega-Millions people died for that. Surely there were other causes contributing to World Wars I & II, but I have heard none denying the aforesaid.  

As for WWIII, aka the Cold War, this was an ideological war to stop the advance of socialism. I will cite a directive to anti-socialists published then: “Never engage in argument with Socialists for they are highly intelligent people and will out-argue you every time!”

Like big NATO said, they are not done with us yet ... Well, neither are we with them.  

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